Here is the translation of the provided text into English:
All products on the website are in stock; therefore, once we receive your order, we will start the shipping process. It will be delivered to the address you provided in about 10 to 15 business days.
Shipping costs are €20 and are only charged once, regardless of the number of items purchased. Payment for the goods and shipping costs will be cash on delivery, so you will not have to pay anything until you receive the package.
The watches are shipped perfectly protected and packaged in individual boxes to protect them from any potential damage during transport. Additionally, all watches are carefully inspected and tested before shipping.
We guarantee a 100% customs duty-free entry for all shipments.
Payment Information
We accept payments with major credit cards – Visa and Mastercard or Western Union.
Please provide a real address to which we can send your product. We are not responsible if an incorrect shipping address is provided. You will have to pay for the reshipping of your product if you provided an incorrect address.